Gene Nalence

Professional Subscriber to Songbay
 Gene Nalence

I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
You are a treasure to be revealed
You are how my wounds are healed
I want to hear all you have to say
I need to see you every day
I need you to help me grow
to show me things I need to know
You make every day a great surprise
You're like a glorious bright sunrise
I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
I want to find you always there
I want you with me everywhere
I'm not sure what I'd be
without you here with me
With you I know it's all OK
You brighten each and every day
I can't imagine life without you
I'd have no idea what to do.
I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
I want to find more about you
That's all I want to do
It's you i want to explore
to find out more and more
It will take 'til the end of time
to find all there is to find
Here's what I know is true
I'm nothing without you.

Exploring You

My life’s been a boxing contest
every round another test
Waiting for the final round
probably more lost than found
Bearing the marks of many blows
internal scars no one knows
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
The match has been demanding
but here I am – still standing
Weary of it all
trying not to fall
A little unsteady on my feet
but not ready to be beat
Hanging on through the bout
not quitting ‘til time runs out
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
Cuts and bruises everywhere
but still hanging in there
Gonna answer the final bell
gonna try to finish well
Every round has been a test
looking forward to some rest
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
Didn’t know at the start of it all
how hard it would be to not fall
There were times I got knocked down
but I came back every round
When it’s done I hope the judges say
I fought hard all the way
When the last round is done
if I’m still standing, then I won.

The Final Round

Life ain’t easy
That’s reality
Life don’t just happen to you
You make it by what you do
What you do
Up to you
You decide where to go
No one else gotta know
Bad moves always there
Sometimes everywhere
Lots of voices
Givin’ you choices
But you’re the only one to know
Where you really want to go
Some tell you drugs set you free
But they just make you a zombie
Look around and you will know
That’s no way to go
You’re the one in charge of you
You decide what to do
Many try to tell you the way
Don’t matter what they say
‘cause when it’s time to choose
It’s only up to you
Life ain’t easy
That’s reality
Life don’t just happen to you
You make it by what you do
What you do
Up to you
Only up to you.

Up to You

Latest Uploads

I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
You are a treasure to be revealed
You are how my wounds are healed
I want to hear all you have to say
I need to see you every day
I need you to help me grow
to show me things I need to know
You make every day a great surprise
You're like a glorious bright sunrise
I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
I want to find you always there
I want you with me everywhere
I'm not sure what I'd be
without you here with me
With you I know it's all OK
You brighten each and every day
I can't imagine life without you
I'd have no idea what to do.
I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
I want to find more about you
That's all I want to do
It's you i want to explore
to find out more and more
It will take 'til the end of time
to find all there is to find
Here's what I know is true
I'm nothing without you.

Exploring You

My life’s been a boxing contest
every round another test
Waiting for the final round
probably more lost than found
Bearing the marks of many blows
internal scars no one knows
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
The match has been demanding
but here I am – still standing
Weary of it all
trying not to fall
A little unsteady on my feet
but not ready to be beat
Hanging on through the bout
not quitting ‘til time runs out
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
Cuts and bruises everywhere
but still hanging in there
Gonna answer the final bell
gonna try to finish well
Every round has been a test
looking forward to some rest
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
Didn’t know at the start of it all
how hard it would be to not fall
There were times I got knocked down
but I came back every round
When it’s done I hope the judges say
I fought hard all the way
When the last round is done
if I’m still standing, then I won.

The Final Round

Life ain’t easy
That’s reality
Life don’t just happen to you
You make it by what you do
What you do
Up to you
You decide where to go
No one else gotta know
Bad moves always there
Sometimes everywhere
Lots of voices
Givin’ you choices
But you’re the only one to know
Where you really want to go
Some tell you drugs set you free
But they just make you a zombie
Look around and you will know
That’s no way to go
You’re the one in charge of you
You decide what to do
Many try to tell you the way
Don’t matter what they say
‘cause when it’s time to choose
It’s only up to you
Life ain’t easy
That’s reality
Life don’t just happen to you
You make it by what you do
What you do
Up to you
Only up to you.

Up to You

A Blues song about the present times.
Play Now

Dollar Store Blues

The End of America
My America is fading away
Don’t think I’ll fly the flag today
Looks like the end is near
The final days are really here
Verse 1
Asking questions has become a crime
Got to follow the party line
Free press is no longer free
Not looking out for you and me
We have a President who sold us out
Lots of proof – there’s no doubt
But the media pretends it’s not real
Got to wonder how they really feel
Repeat Chorus
Verse 2
The power that runs the country
Doesn’t want us to be free
No deciding for ourselves how it should be
They think they know better than you and me
Justice now depends on who you are
Things have gone wrong that far
Just holding opposing political views
Is a crime if you believe the news
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
When they try to put opponents in jail
You can see the justice system totally fail
When the secret police come at night
You’ve got to know things aren’t right
Soon things will have gone too far
To ever get back to what we really are
It may already be too late
To keep what made America great.
Repeat Chorus
Verse 4
Will writing this make them come for me?
It should scare you all that’s a possibility
When the secret police come to your door
It’s not my country any more.
So I hope you all can see
Things aren’t the way they should be
The only thing to do without a doubt
Is to vote all the bastards out.
Repeat Chorus

The End of America

Verse 1
So I’m wonderin’ what they’re gonna do
When the plans they’ve made just fall through.
Looks like the whole house of cards is goin’ down
Gonna turn their whole world upside down.
They’ve been goin’ for years and years
Preying on everyone’s doubts and fears
Tellin’ lies pretending they were true
Thought they always knew better than me and you.
Watch how they all twist and squirm
With each new truth that we learn.
Truth is a rolling tide
Pushing all the lies aside.
Verse 2
They thought they knew what was best for us
Real free speech they could never trust
They took over more and more news
Only telling their own views.
But they took it just too far
So everyone sees what they are.
They supported leaders so full of greed
Who took too much so everyone could see
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
They try their best to hide it all
Blaming others trying to make them fall
They pretend nothing at all was wrong
Hoping all of us will just go along.
They keep hoping we all don’t see
What they’ve done to you and me
Will they ever admit they were wrong
And were lying to us all along.
So it looks like the end is near
Whole truth is what they fear
How will they act and what will they do?
Will they ever admit what was really true?
Repeat Chorus


A song for Grandparents everywhere to share with grandchildren.
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Grandparent's Song

A blues song about 21st century life.
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Smart Appliance Blues

My Uploads

I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
You are a treasure to be revealed
You are how my wounds are healed
I want to hear all you have to say
I need to see you every day
I need you to help me grow
to show me things I need to know
You make every day a great surprise
You're like a glorious bright sunrise
I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
I want to find you always there
I want you with me everywhere
I'm not sure what I'd be
without you here with me
With you I know it's all OK
You brighten each and every day
I can't imagine life without you
I'd have no idea what to do.
I want to explore you like Lewis and Clark
Find your hills and valleys even in the dark
I need to explore each and every part
I need to find all that's i your heart
All I need to do
is find all about you
I want to find more about you
That's all I want to do
It's you i want to explore
to find out more and more
It will take 'til the end of time
to find all there is to find
Here's what I know is true
I'm nothing without you.

Exploring You

My life’s been a boxing contest
every round another test
Waiting for the final round
probably more lost than found
Bearing the marks of many blows
internal scars no one knows
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
The match has been demanding
but here I am – still standing
Weary of it all
trying not to fall
A little unsteady on my feet
but not ready to be beat
Hanging on through the bout
not quitting ‘til time runs out
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
Cuts and bruises everywhere
but still hanging in there
Gonna answer the final bell
gonna try to finish well
Every round has been a test
looking forward to some rest
Hanging on ‘til it’s done
is more important than who won
I’m not going to give in;
maybe surviving is how I win
Didn’t know at the start of it all
how hard it would be to not fall
There were times I got knocked down
but I came back every round
When it’s done I hope the judges say
I fought hard all the way
When the last round is done
if I’m still standing, then I won.

The Final Round

Life ain’t easy
That’s reality
Life don’t just happen to you
You make it by what you do
What you do
Up to you
You decide where to go
No one else gotta know
Bad moves always there
Sometimes everywhere
Lots of voices
Givin’ you choices
But you’re the only one to know
Where you really want to go
Some tell you drugs set you free
But they just make you a zombie
Look around and you will know
That’s no way to go
You’re the one in charge of you
You decide what to do
Many try to tell you the way
Don’t matter what they say
‘cause when it’s time to choose
It’s only up to you
Life ain’t easy
That’s reality
Life don’t just happen to you
You make it by what you do
What you do
Up to you
Only up to you.

Up to You

A Blues song about the present times.
Play Now

Dollar Store Blues

The End of America
My America is fading away
Don’t think I’ll fly the flag today
Looks like the end is near
The final days are really here
Verse 1
Asking questions has become a crime
Got to follow the party line
Free press is no longer free
Not looking out for you and me
We have a President who sold us out
Lots of proof – there’s no doubt
But the media pretends it’s not real
Got to wonder how they really feel
Repeat Chorus
Verse 2
The power that runs the country
Doesn’t want us to be free
No deciding for ourselves how it should be
They think they know better than you and me
Justice now depends on who you are
Things have gone wrong that far
Just holding opposing political views
Is a crime if you believe the news
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
When they try to put opponents in jail
You can see the justice system totally fail
When the secret police come at night
You’ve got to know things aren’t right
Soon things will have gone too far
To ever get back to what we really are
It may already be too late
To keep what made America great.
Repeat Chorus
Verse 4
Will writing this make them come for me?
It should scare you all that’s a possibility
When the secret police come to your door
It’s not my country any more.
So I hope you all can see
Things aren’t the way they should be
The only thing to do without a doubt
Is to vote all the bastards out.
Repeat Chorus

The End of America

Verse 1
So I’m wonderin’ what they’re gonna do
When the plans they’ve made just fall through.
Looks like the whole house of cards is goin’ down
Gonna turn their whole world upside down.
They’ve been goin’ for years and years
Preying on everyone’s doubts and fears
Tellin’ lies pretending they were true
Thought they always knew better than me and you.
Watch how they all twist and squirm
With each new truth that we learn.
Truth is a rolling tide
Pushing all the lies aside.
Verse 2
They thought they knew what was best for us
Real free speech they could never trust
They took over more and more news
Only telling their own views.
But they took it just too far
So everyone sees what they are.
They supported leaders so full of greed
Who took too much so everyone could see
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
They try their best to hide it all
Blaming others trying to make them fall
They pretend nothing at all was wrong
Hoping all of us will just go along.
They keep hoping we all don’t see
What they’ve done to you and me
Will they ever admit they were wrong
And were lying to us all along.
So it looks like the end is near
Whole truth is what they fear
How will they act and what will they do?
Will they ever admit what was really true?
Repeat Chorus


About Me


I am an 80-year-old novice songwriter/lyricist trying to share my experience with the 3 Al’s — Life, Love, and Loss.


I was a teacher of physics for 41 years. I have been published in the areas of physics and education. You can “Google” me — not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

Key Dates

No performance — if I sang, it would be like one of those repellers you put in your house to get rid of rodents and other pests.


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