- It's free to search for original music and lyrics at Songbay. Use our powerful search function to find your perfect lyric or song and start using it legally in your productions today
- You can search by keyword/s, by genre, specific styles, tempo, even key and time signatures. Example: let's suppose you're looking for a lyric about the subject of 'floating', using the search box, type in the word 'float' and select the option to search by 'Lyric Only'. The system will return every lyric containing this word (either in the lyric text or in the artist's description)
- You can preview material using the music player or lyric viewer
- Prices and purchase options are clearly displayed next to each song or lyric, these vary from a simple digital download to an entire copyright purchase. All prices are set by Songbay artists, we take NO commission from sales
- Once you have made your selection, follow the buying instructions then download your chosen song or lyric. You will receive a completed contract to keep for your records
- Feel free to contact our users directly using the 'Contact' form on each artist's page. For example, you may wish to discuss a specific writing request or want to collaborate with the artist on a songwriting project
Buy Original Music and Lyrics
Sell Original Music and Lyrics
- Firstly you need to register with us which is free and takes just a couple of minutes
- Select an appropriate Membership Package >>
- From your user area, choose one of the selling options, either 'Sell Music' or 'Sell Lyric'
- Follow the upload steps and instructions
- Choose your preferred selling options, from a digital download to an entire copyright sale
- Set your selling prices for your songs or lyrics (we take no commission from sales)
- Your Songs and Lyrics will be published and available for sale at Songbay. They will also receive full copyright protection and be promoted on social media.
- You will be contacted by users interested in working with you. Contact Examples >>