Register to Buy and Sell Music and Lyrics at Songbay.

Basic Information

Please be assured that at NO time is any personal information displayed publicly on our site. The information we require here is only used for the purpose of completing contracts for work which is traded through Songbay. All personal information is stored securely on our servers. It is NEVER used for marketing purposes. We only allow registered users to contact each other using the email addresses they supply so that they may discuss songwriting or any other musical issues.
*The name that will display publicly at Songbay
This must be a Valid and Verifiable email address
Please do NOT use any spaces or letters when entering your phone number

*This information will be forwarded to our songwriters and lyricists


As an additional security measure, please create a security answer and make a note of it. It is very important to remember this answer as you WILL be asked to use it to enter certain areas of Songbay.
Please confirm your age

You must be at least 18 years of age to use our services.

Please confirm, that you are at least 18 years of age
and that you agree with our
Terms and Conditions, by checking this box.

Yes I am at least 18 years of age
Terms and Conditions

Basic Information

Please be assured that at NO time is any personal information displayed publicly on our site. The information we require here is only used for the purpose of completing contracts for work which is traded through Songbay. All personal information is stored securely on our servers. It is NEVER used for marketing purposes. We only allow registered users to contact each other using the email addresses they supply so that they may discuss songwriting or any other musical issues.

This is the name that will be displayed publicly at Songbay
e.g. BMI
This must be a Valid and Verifiable email address. It is required to receive work offers from buyers
Please do NOT use any spaces or letters when entering your phone number


As an additional security measure, please create a security answer and make a note of it. It is very important to remember this answer as you WILL be asked to use it to enter certain areas of Songbay.
Please confirm the following
  1. That you own the copyright to any material you
    intend to upload to Songbay.
  2. That you are at least 18 years of age

Yes I confirm the above and agree with your
Terms & Conditions