Free Copyright of ALL your Songs and Lyrics at Songbay!

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Free Copyright Registration of All your uploads.
Free Copyright Protection of All your uploads.
Free Copyright Documents provided.
No need for expensive third party 'Copyright Companies'!

In addition to all the other benefits of Songbay membership, we give songwriters and lyricists the full Copyright Protection of all their music and lyrics. Many songwriters use Songbay exclusively for our comprehensive Copyright Registration and Protection that is included in all our subscription plans.

A question we're often asked is - "What prevents someone from plagiarising or copying my work, then passing it off as their own?"
Here's the answer:
The moment a song or lyric is created, the composer or author is automatically assigned the copyright; they become what is known as 'the copyright owner in law'. As is the case with all broadcasting, online advertising or public performance, there's always a risk that a song or lyric could be copied or used without the owner’s permission. Protecting songwriters against this form of theft forms the backbone of our service and is the reason why so many professional songwriters choose to join Songbay.
Copyright legislation around the world stipulates that in any legal dispute, you must be able to prove that you are the original creator of a work. To do this, you must be able to demonstrate that your work predates any other copy. Songbay makes this possible. Once you have created the master version of your song or lyric, you can uploaded a copy to Songbay. Each uploaded is given a unique digital reference, it is encrypted, and time and date stamped. We then provide you with access to our comprehensive copyright registration service and copyright registration certificates for every upload.
In the unlikely event of a copyright dispute, that is, if your work is used without authorisation or has been plagiarised, you are protected. Your Songbay copyright registration, plus your original master copy, will prove existence and ownership. Additionally, we will gladly forward our records to your legal representative and provide you with a written affidavit confirming details of the copyright registration. Most companies charge for copyright registration, (around $15-$50 per song/lyric), we provide this free of charge for you at Songbay!

Fortunately, to help deter illegal ‘copyists’, you are also covered by International copyright law. Punishment for violation is serious. Fines are astronomically high for those found guilty, with huge payments often awarded to the legitimate copyright holder.

Copyright of Songs and Lyrics at Songbay

Examples of Copyright Registration at Songbay