Artist: cp howes
Key Signature: B major
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
A Song about a young military sailor who falls in love with a Latina woman he sees dancing in a bar.
Genre(s): Country, Blues Rock, Contemporary Country
Mood(s): Bright, Dancing, Romantic
Style(s): Nightclub
Tempo: Fast
Language(s): Spanish
Instrument(s): Band
Vocal Type(s): Male Vocals
File Type: MP3
Key Signature: B major
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
A Song about a young military sailor who falls in love with a Latina woman he sees dancing in a bar.
Genre(s): Country, Blues Rock, Contemporary Country
Mood(s): Bright, Dancing, Romantic
Style(s): Nightclub
Tempo: Fast
Language(s): Spanish
Instrument(s): Band
Vocal Type(s): Male Vocals
File Type: MP3