Artist: Chanel Antoinette
Key Signature:
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
This melody is calming and passionate in nature. I hope it inspires you to write beautiful lyrics.
Genre(s): Pop, Acoustic Pop, General Pop
Mood(s): Dreamy, Mellow, Peaceful, Relaxed, Romantic
Style(s): Ballad
Tempo: Mid Tempo
Language(s): NONE
Instrument(s): Piano-Grand
Vocal Type(s): None
File Type: MP3
Key Signature:
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
This melody is calming and passionate in nature. I hope it inspires you to write beautiful lyrics.
Genre(s): Pop, Acoustic Pop, General Pop
Mood(s): Dreamy, Mellow, Peaceful, Relaxed, Romantic
Style(s): Ballad
Tempo: Mid Tempo
Language(s): NONE
Instrument(s): Piano-Grand
Vocal Type(s): None
File Type: MP3
Digital Download:$50.00
Cover Version:$22.75
Standard License:$75.00
Extended License:$200.00
Cover Version:$22.75
Standard License:$75.00
Extended License:$200.00