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Fight! (Ode to President Donald Trump)

Artist: Truer Blue
Key Signature:
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
Fight! (Ode to President Donald Trump) recalls the political persecutions and lawfare directed against the 45th, and now 47th, president, and reminds us of the brazen attempt to assassinate the then presidential candidate. The song celebrates Trump's perseverance and refusal to back down or quit despite the risks and the powerful opposition he faced from the media and the American deep state. Fight! is political satire performed in a style reminiscent of 1970's Disco dance music (in a nod to President Donald Trump's fondness for another Disco gem -- YMCA by the Village People). Fight! is a playlist "must-have" for Trump supporters and political junkies alike.

Genre(s): Funk, Pop, Disco
Mood(s): Dancing, Energetic, Fast, Optimistic, Proud
Style(s): Party, Political, Seventies (1970s)
Tempo: Fast
Language(s): English
Instrument(s): Drum Kit,Guitar-Electric,Percusion-Pop/Funk,Synthesizers,Trumpet,Vocals-Backing Vocals,Vocals-Sung
Vocal Type(s): Female Vocals
File Type: MP3

* Audio may contain AI generated content
Fight! (Ode to President Donald Trump)Digital Download:$1.99
Cover Version:$22.75
Standard License:$150.00
Extended License:$250.00
by Michael David Robinson
Copyright 2025

He would not put his name to shame
Take their money, play their game
Attempts to trap him came to naught
He would not quit, could not be bought
An alliance of the mighty formed
Unholy plot with lies adorned
Lawfare unleashed, they sicced on him
Shredding the nation's soul to win

But he wouldn't wilt before the heat
Refused to bend, would not retreat
He stood bravely in between
the people... and deep state... unseen

Accusing him of heinous acts
His family, friends, they then attacked
They changed the laws to bring their suits
Their made-up crimes to prosecute
To take away his wealth and home
They won't let up, leave him alone
To jail him is their stated aim
He is a menace, so they claim

But he wouldn't wilt before the heat
Refused to bend, would not retreat
He stood bravely in between
the people... and deep state... unseen

An existential threat they said
To have him at the nation's head
What is dark they deem it light
The ends, they say, all means make right
They will not stop to steal, to frame
Impugn, destroy, a man's good name
For power they will do it all
No matter where the chips may fall

But he wouldn't wilt before the heat
Refused to bend, would not retreat
He stood bravely in between
the people... and deep state... unseen

Consumed by base unbridled zeal
They will not hesitate to kill
And so, they tried one fateful day
To fell one standing in their way
But the bullet only grazed the man
That could upend their evil plan
Blood spilled out across his face
His life was spared by God's good grace

But he wouldn't wilt before the heat
Refused to bend, would not retreat
He stood bravely in between
the people... and deep state... unseen
Others too were shot that day
Upon the bleachers bodies lay
And one was killed, his life was lost
Compelled to pay a martyr's cost
His fist raised high, defiantly
Our hero stood for all to see
His voice steady, sounding loud
"FIGHT!" he shouted to the crowd

But he wouldn't wilt before the heat
Refused to bend, would not retreat
He stood bravely in between
the people... and deep state... unseen

He will not wilt before the heat
He will not bend, will not retreat
He still stands bravely in between
the people... and deep state... unseen


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