Artist: Rewts
Key Signature: D major
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
The lyrics mostly are about the story of a somebody going through a mental health journey and overcoming their nightmare and coming out on the other side with lessons learned from their experiences.
Genre(s): Rock, General Country, Pop Vocals, General Folk, General Rock
Mood(s): Easy, Happy, Joyous
Style(s): Commercial, Nostalgic, Summer
Tempo: Mid Tempo
Language(s): English
Instrument(s): Guitar-Accoustic
Vocal Type(s): Male Vocals
File Type: MP3
Key Signature: D major
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
The lyrics mostly are about the story of a somebody going through a mental health journey and overcoming their nightmare and coming out on the other side with lessons learned from their experiences.
Genre(s): Rock, General Country, Pop Vocals, General Folk, General Rock
Mood(s): Easy, Happy, Joyous
Style(s): Commercial, Nostalgic, Summer
Tempo: Mid Tempo
Language(s): English
Instrument(s): Guitar-Accoustic
Vocal Type(s): Male Vocals
File Type: MP3