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Key Signature: D major
Time Signature: /
Artist's Description
Made this song when I was in my feelings

Genre(s): Pop, Mood Music, General Hip Hop, General Pop, General R-n-B
Mood(s): Calm, Confident, Easy, Relaxed, Romantic
Style(s): Peace
Tempo: 86-110 BPM
Language(s): English
Instrument(s): Guitar-Electric
Vocal Type(s): Male Vocals
File Type: MP3
Standard License:$50.00
Extended License:$100.00
you know the way I feel when I’m fallin for you hard to keep my thoughts on the low
I think I’m way to real showed you way to many things that you wouldn’t of known
I gave you too much of time bitch
I didn’t listen to signs
ya had me in frozen in a mind glitch
with you

I can’t believe I let my mind slip
I can’t believe I lost sight let the time slip
had me caught up ina mind glitch
I should listened to the signs bitch

I don’t get it why you text in the daytime
why you hit me on a FaceTime
why you call me when you drunk with your friend late night
why you back n forth with me I know soemthing ain’t right
you only want me for your ego
you dont look at me as equal
I can tell you need attention
but you bitch for taking advantage of how I feel

you playing games with me baby you know how I feel

you want my soul for your ego all so I can help the way you feel

you know the way I feel when I’m fallin for you hard to keep my thoughts on the low
I think I’m way to real showed you way to many things that you wouldn’t of known
I gave you too much of time bitch
I didn’t listen to signs
ya had me in frozen in a mind glitch
with you

I can’t believe I let my mind slip
I can’t believe I lost sight let the time slip
had me caught up ina mind glitch
I should listened to the signs bitch

I can’t listen to your man probs
it just reminds of everything that I am not
I let you play me for a fool really though that you were broken
all this animosity inside me got me frozen
caught me off guard wasn’t expecting tricks
shouldn’t known cuz you only fall in love dicks
everything you manifest it never seems to co exist
everything you say you need I think I got it’s why I’m pissed

everything you need I think I got
call me when you need me when want me on the spot
everything you hate it’s what I’m not
I might do the most but you also do a lot



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