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Molecular Love

Artist: doctor fax
Key Signature:
Time Signature: 4/4
Artist's Description
Blah blah bad sheep have you any cool, no sir no sir, just this one old fool. Surrealism was more movement than it was a school, for which gents like old Fred Nietzsche, had no time at all. now Duchamp's a hero, for a urinal on a wall.. and mad old Fred, alone and dead, drowned in mad mans drool

Genre(s): Pop
Mood(s): Joyous
Style(s): Celebration
Tempo: Mid Tempo
Language(s): English
Instrument(s): Bass Drum
Vocal Type(s): Male Vocals
File Type: MP3
Molecular LoveDigital Download:$1.00
Cover Version:$22.75
Standard License:$115.00
Extended License:$150.00
BUY COPYRIGHT:$150,000.00



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