Billy Sours

Professional Subscriber to Songbay
Billy Sours

I'm God's Property

Growing up, I was taught Christian Values
My mama was and Angel, you see
She'd always pray and beg for my forgiveness
but somehow, the devil got ahold of me

I remember as a boy the preacher sayin
the devils only there if you let him be
Temptation is always just behind us
So I turn to Mathew 16:23

...Get away from me devil
I'm God's property
Get away from me devil
you no longer have a hold on me
Get away from me devil
I'm God's Property
Get away from me devil
There's a place in Heaven, saved for me

It's Easy to get lost in the Darkness
There's a side of life most don't ever see
You fool yourself into thinking you control it
but deep inside, you know reality


If there ever comes a time when you're standing at the crossroads
And you're feeling lost and want to live again
Just reach out with faith and you will find it
The never dying love of God's hand

(chorus x 2)

(copyright 2024)

I'm God's Property

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I'm God's Property

Growing up, I was taught Christian Values
My mama was and Angel, you see
She'd always pray and beg for my forgiveness
but somehow, the devil got ahold of me

I remember as a boy the preacher sayin
the devils only there if you let him be
Temptation is always just behind us
So I turn to Mathew 16:23

...Get away from me devil
I'm God's property
Get away from me devil
you no longer have a hold on me
Get away from me devil
I'm God's Property
Get away from me devil
There's a place in Heaven, saved for me

It's Easy to get lost in the Darkness
There's a side of life most don't ever see
You fool yourself into thinking you control it
but deep inside, you know reality


If there ever comes a time when you're standing at the crossroads
And you're feeling lost and want to live again
Just reach out with faith and you will find it
The never dying love of God's hand

(chorus x 2)

(copyright 2024)

I'm God's Property

My Uploads

I'm God's Property

Growing up, I was taught Christian Values
My mama was and Angel, you see
She'd always pray and beg for my forgiveness
but somehow, the devil got ahold of me

I remember as a boy the preacher sayin
the devils only there if you let him be
Temptation is always just behind us
So I turn to Mathew 16:23

...Get away from me devil
I'm God's property
Get away from me devil
you no longer have a hold on me
Get away from me devil
I'm God's Property
Get away from me devil
There's a place in Heaven, saved for me

It's Easy to get lost in the Darkness
There's a side of life most don't ever see
You fool yourself into thinking you control it
but deep inside, you know reality


If there ever comes a time when you're standing at the crossroads
And you're feeling lost and want to live again
Just reach out with faith and you will find it
The never dying love of God's hand

(chorus x 2)

(copyright 2024)

I'm God's Property

About Me


Growing up in suppressed part of southern Michigan, I was forced to build survival skills. Those skills carried over into adult life and can be found in my writing and my daily life today. I discovered that hard work and dedication will pay off. I pride myself in having the can-do attitude and look for ways to get things done. Writing is a stress reliever for me and I've discovered that it becomes part of who we are.... I take alot of pride in everything I do, and my writing takes no exception. God bless us all....


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