Kami B(@stard)

Professional Subscriber to Songbay
Kami B(@stard)

I've got drugs, love.
I got what you need.
I've got love drugs, Molly. Lsd.
But she said she need a Love Plug.
She says that she wants me.
Think the d her D.O.C.

Love Plug

Baby, you ain't gotta change a thing.
Keep your name, sell your ring.
Go on and spread your wings.
Because a caged bird don't sing.

Bird Cage

Latest Uploads

I've got drugs, love.
I got what you need.
I've got love drugs, Molly. Lsd.
But she said she need a Love Plug.
She says that she wants me.
Think the d her D.O.C.

Love Plug

Baby, you ain't gotta change a thing.
Keep your name, sell your ring.
Go on and spread your wings.
Because a caged bird don't sing.

Bird Cage

My Uploads

I've got drugs, love.
I got what you need.
I've got love drugs, Molly. Lsd.
But she said she need a Love Plug.
She says that she wants me.
Think the d her D.O.C.

Love Plug

Baby, you ain't gotta change a thing.
Keep your name, sell your ring.
Go on and spread your wings.
Because a caged bird don't sing.

Bird Cage

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