Hi, my name is Dena. I use AI to put the lyrics that I have written to music as an idea of how it could sound. I write all of my own lyrics. The only thing AI about the songs are the singers and music.I was not blessed with a singing voice. As far back as I can remember, I have always heard rhymes and music in my mind. I have often said that my life would make for one heck of a song or twenty. I am someone most folks call a survivor. To keep it simple, I came into this world not wanted. I was removed from my mother's care at a young age and spent time in 2 orphanages, 6 foster homes and a failed adoption. I of course would go on to marry having 2 beautiful children only to realize that I was gay. As you can imagine, this did not sit very well with most people in my life only adding fuel to the fire that was me. Through it all I never gave up. I always kept a smile on my face, determined to do my very best and rise above every challenge I faced. This makes for great lyrics, poetry and songs. Writing has always been my way of dealing with my emotions and how I process everything that makes me who I am. I am a very private person and to share my words with you is sharing pieces of me. I am a person who prefers to fly low under the radar while lifting others up. That is where I find my joy.